Daniel Burnham Memorial

Daniel Burnham Memorial
Chicago, Illinois
The Burnham Memorial is a celebration of the collective achievement of all those who, like Daniel Burnham, have dedicated themselves to creating an ever better future for Chicago. Surrounded by the achievement it commemorates, the Memorial dramatically directs attention outwards towards the city itself—showcasing Burnham's vision by connecting us to its vibrant, unfolding reality. The Memorial has three elements: The Corner is formed by two panels which define the missing southeast corner of Grant Park. Outside, a life-size statue of Burnham stands before rough granite panels wrapped in an iconic image from the Plan of Chicago. Inside, visitors are struck with the stunning view of the Plan's handiwork—the Grant Park lakefront and the city's skyline. The polished granite panels reflect the city panorama like mirrors. The Overlook is a long granite plinth centered on Burnham's Field Museum and the Shedd Aquarium. It forms a timeline of Chicago's development in front of a curved panel carved with the names of others whose collective visions have shaped the city. The Lawn is a gentle grassy slope for enjoying the skyline, boats and fireworks displays on the lake, crossed by a diagonal path which directly links the waterside to the viewing terrace above.
Competition Winning Entry
Burnham Memorial Committee
2009 in design
Project Data
Area/Budget: NA / $5,000,000
Scope: winning entry for national competition for memorial to honor Daniel Burnham and his 1909 Plan of Chicago in Grant Park
Project Team: David Woodhouse, Andy Tinucci, Brian Foote